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Why do cats like catnip?

Views : 1287
Update time : 2022-03-24 13:45:00

What is the Catnip?

And why does catnip have such a magical effect on cats? According to the reaction of human beings using catnip, the difference between catnip and mint is not big. We have only seen that after drinking peppermint, it feels quite refreshing, and we have not found that it is so cool that it loses its mind, and it is paralyzed on the ground like a trash cat, right?

So what is its unique effect on kittens?

The definition of nepetalactone is: nepetalactone has two cyclic structures, cyclopentane and cyclic ester, which form terpenoids. Similar in structure and efficacy to valerin (valepotriate). Also has a variety of isomers. 4aα, 7α, 7aα-Nepetalactone is the active chemical contained in Nepeta catari, which can have a special effect on about 75% of cats. The cat's response to this substance is genetically related, and the location of perception is the olfactory epithelium.

In humans, nepetalactone has many milder effects and is used as a mild hypnotic, antispasmodic, antipyretic, and antibacterial, and at high doses has emetic effects.That is to say, the reason why catnip can have an effect on cats is closely related to the effect of nepetalactin!

It is the presence of this substance that makes kats so responsive to catnip. It can be called a "drug" for cats, but fortunately, cats do not have any addiction to catnip, that is to say, cats will not be obsessed with this plant after eating catnip once . The effects of catnip on cats are usually around 10-15 minutes.

However, the impact of catnip on cats is limited, and not all cats will be addicted to the magic of catnip. There is about a 50% chance that cats (including tigers, leopards, hozens, etc.) will have no effect on catnip. reaction. And kittens under 3 months have no reaction to catnip, and even avoid catnip.

Different cats have different reactions to catnip. Some cats are in a daze; some are constantly rolling in catnip until they are covered with catnip; some cats will drool; Of course, some cats will become more aggressive; different cats react differently to catnip, just as different people react differently to drinking and getting drunk.

But looking at the cat's reaction to catnip, everyone will feel particularly worried, because the cat will have similar reactions after inhaling catnip: sneezing, chewing, rubbing, rolling, meowing, delirium and other behaviors, and There are also crazy cat behaviors such as drooling, which makes the shit shovel officer inexplicably associate the cat's smoking catnip with "marijuana" and other behaviors.

Why do cats react this way to catnip?

1. Cats need to use catnip and other items to help them expel foreign bodies from their bodies.

But compared to other herbal medicines for treating cats and saving cats, catnip is actually not a good medicine, but a bit like tobacco that helps relieve mental stress.

2. Cats of different genders and ages have different reactions to catnip.

All have unique reactions, and male cats will react more vigorously than female cats!

In addition, some researchers have found that catnip is not as healthy and harmless to the body of young cats as adult cats, because nepetalactone directly stimulates the cat's brain and brings unique comfort to cats, like young cats. , Nepetalactone can cause a tingling sensation in young cats because the brain is not fully developed.

Cats around two months old, regardless of their gender or breed, have no apparent response to catnip.Therefore, cats under three months often do not take the initiative to contact catnip. After encountering catnip, they also walk away and leave, and show discomfort with catnip.

Some precautions must be taken when using catnip utensils!

First of all: Catnip doesn't provide happiness to all cats.

Secondly, there are also requirements for the number of times catnip is fed to cats!

The owner needs to pay attention to the feeding amount of dry mint, and do not let the cat touch catnip for a long time. If it is used too frequently, it will lose its effect, and the cat will no longer have an excited reaction.It is the presence of this substance that makes cats so responsive to catnip.

And as the frequency of cat contact with catnip increases, the attractiveness of catnip to cats will gradually decrease, so you can use catnip as an artifact with confidence, that is, to control the contact frequency of cats.

Most of the use of catnip is only used in a very superficial way, that is, let the cat suck it directly, and then watch the cat enjoy itself there.

In fact, there are more clever uses of catnip:

1. Adding catnip to the cat's water bowl can greatly increase the cat's drinking water intake and prevent cat urinary tract diseases. Of course, this aspect cannot be used every day, but once a week is enough.

2.When the cat is anorexic, add catnip to the cat food and stir well, which can greatly stimulate the cat to eat, and there is no such thing as anorexia. Catnip should not be used frequently. The frequency of use is less than once a week. Generally, it is enough to feed a little each time. Catnip is a plant that can cause hallucinations. Some cats can cause temporary behavioral changes after eating them. The general duration is about ten minutes, and the reappearance will take two hours.

Cats consuming catnip can cause reactions such as rubbing their heads, jumping and rolling, or making noises, such as rolling on the ground, lying on their backs, walking unsteadily, like to scratch, or meow non-stop, sneezing, chewing, rubbing , delirium, etc. And some cats will chase imaginary mice after eating catnip, and some will sit and stare blankly, these behaviors will not cause any harm to the cat.

3. Buying a new refillable catnip toy, the cat doesn't like it? Sprinkle some catnip on the surface of the catnip ball toy ot teaser wand toy and from then on, you will fall in love with this toy, the kind that you can't take away. You can also dry the catnip, take a small amount of crushed catnip and put it in cat food, on a silervine catnip kicker toy, on a correagued paper scratching board or sisal cat tree or in a cat litter; you can also use a cloth bag or a small ball to pack the catnip powder, Put it next to the kat or where it usually likes to be. It can increase the cat's love for kitty mouse toys, and the cat will take the initiative to play with the interactive chewing toys.

Put catnip directly on the kitty sisal or paper scratching board, and the cat will actively go to the scratching board to sharpen its claws. The smell of catnip is very strong. You don't need to put too much every time, and the cat will take the initiative to eat it when it smells it. The cat scratching board will have the smell of catnip, and the cat will naturally scratch the cat scratching board, which can reduce the damage to the sofa by the cat.

4. The cat does not exercise enough and does not like to move? Sprinkle catnip on the cat climbing frame with different heights, and the cat will jump up and down automatically, but you must pay attention to the dosage here.

5. Is it too nervous to take the cat out? Put a small amount of catnip in the palm of your hand, and after the cat sucks it, it can help the cat relax and accept the new world in a short time.

6. When changing the environment, catnip can be sprinkled on the ground to reduce the stress of cats to the environment and reduce the resistance of cats due to stress. In addition, consuming catnip can also help cats with hairballs.

What does catnip do for dogs, and is there anything similar to catnip that works for dogs?

Many dogs become anxious because of being left alone at home or going to the vet. In this case, catnip can be used to soothe the dog and help them relax. Unlike cats, catnip has a calming effect on dogs. Chopping this herb and mixing it with dog food is the easiest way to reduce anxiety in your dog, but you can also use whole catnip leaves in a water bowl or dog food.

Can catnip be eaten by dogs? As the name suggests, "catnip" is an herbal remedy specially designed for cats. This herb isn't usually eaten by dogs because it doesn't do much. Some pet owners even worry about whether it will affect dogs. What are the side effects. This is guaranteed. Although catnip has minimal effects on dogs, it has few benefits for digestion, minor wound healing, and mental health. If your dog has severe loneliness at home for a long time, crushing catnip and feeding it with dog food can reduce the cat's loneliness slightly. Of course, if the dog has indigestion, it can also be fed. Some. Sometimes, dogs with indigestion will take the initiative to go out to find some grass to eat, just to spit out the uncomfortable things in their stomachs, but now the grass outside is not guaranteed to be clean and hygienic, so you can prepare some catnip for dogs.

Does catnip work for dogs?
Catnip has different effects on cats and dogs. Some dogs are very anxious when their owner is away. At this time, catnip can be used to soothe them. To do this, chop the herb and mix it with dog food, or add a cat to the dog's water bowl. Peppermint leaves have a calming effect on anxious dogs and can relieve their anxiety symptoms.